I thought I'd get a jump-start on holiday-themed blogs this year so we can all be prepared for finding joy in what can sometimes be a stressful season. To kick things off, let's talk about holiday gatherings like Thanksgiving, which is coming up next week! Family holiday gatherings should be a time to reconnect, enjoy great food and drinks, and most of all, celebrate the "reason for the season." However, for many families, holiday gatherings end up being a venue for family drama because:
expectations are high,
inhibitions are low from too much "holiday cheer",
people see family gatherings as an opportunity to drop a bomb,
people strike at the opportunity to "get even" for slights and hurt feelings of the past year,
and more.
To avoid starting family drama this holiday season, here are some subjects to avoid and conversations you should neither start, nor get involved in at your upcoming holiday gatherings:
These conversations only serve to divide when your goal at the holidays should be to unite!
You know what? Not only does no one care, but if your stuffing is so great, you should have offered to make it and bring it.
What does a little "liquid courage," plus a little-known fact, plus a captive audience equal?
Save your divorce announcement, arrest information, or the fact that you're going to declare bankruptcy for another time. Additionally, just because the whole family is together doesn't mean this is the best time to share that you've discovered via DNA testing that your Dad has a zero-percent chance of being your biological father. Big news that's going to have a profound and possibly negative impact on the family shouldn't become the focus of an event that was supposed to be about happiness, togetherness, and holiday cheer.
You're not the diet police, so don't worry about what others are eating. Maybe they've worked out extra hard to earn those extra calories. The same goes for comments about peoples' wardrobe choices, hairstyles, or anything else that could be hurtful.
Holidays are the times for joy and giving thanks, not for grudges and old wounds. Focus on keeping the peace, not re-starting battles. If you need to talk with someone about a past wrong, set up a time to talk to him or her privately and one-on-one.
Trust me, either your cousin knows her kid is a brat, or she's so oblivious that she won't believe you when you tell her that her kid is a brat. Either way, parent your own kids and be grateful the brat isn't yours.
There's no room for sarcasm at the holiday dinner table. It serves no purpose other than to give you a moment's satisfaction and take a piece out of the person you're dishing it on. If you've got something to say, say it sincerely. If the holiday table isn't the place for it, set up a time and place to have a one-on-one conversation with the person who needs to hear what you have to say. For more tips on surviving family holiday gatherings, check out my past blog post,